
HumaraMovie is a leader in India in the alternate, independent content space. Over the past couple of years we have produced features, over 200 shorts and worked with over a 100 filmmakers.

A brief glimpse of our span of work - HumaraMovie sources content from established and non-established players. Presently, the channel is a source of expert generated, short form content in the fictional and documentary space. The channel features shorts of 30 seconds to 25 minutes.

HumaraMovie also acts a facilitator & infrastructure partner.

- Looking after legal, funding, marketing and maintenance

- Working to make the videos compatible across formats

- Working on monetization options

- Providing production support on a case to case basis, including equipment

Having worked with some of the most talented, young filmmakers from India we feel we have a strong content library which will appeal to not just Indian but a global audience as well.

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