This Is Not The End (下半場開始)
We are living in a city which is flooded with gambling culture. Stock investment, property investment…Even we know that these investments are fraught of risks, we still cannot stand the failure from these games. Through a relaxed form and animated style to present a story about a man who found his own way to overcame the great failure of his life, no matter how big the difficulties are, if you find a right path, it is not a big deal.生活在一個充滿了賭與算計的世界中,股價,樓市...縱然知道了這些投資所帶了的風險足以讓我們傾家蕩產,但是我們還是無法拒絕金錢所帶來的誘惑。故事以詼諧輕鬆的方式娓娓道出了一個中年人在投資失利後的重新起步。就算現在走錯了路,但只要決心改過,一切都不是大問題。