Anatomy Of An Athlete Ep 4: Shoulders For Swing
I felt most human not when I was winning medals for golf, but when I was climbing up a mountain without an arm.
“Anatomy Of An Athlete” is one of the featured series in #fACE. For more information on #fACE, check out
Director Statement:
We are in a world where femininity is ^being^ defined and re-defined. Growing up as a woman in Singapore, the struggle as a creative has been very real too.
This collaboration with Leona, Jen, Amanda, Farhanna and Martina has shown me how different we each are, yet still with so much more in common.
Whether we throw punches, swing perfectly, hit the bull’s eye, glide on water or lift 200kg with bare hands… or call action behind the camera, we’re each a daughter, a friend, a dreamer, a woman at heart — We are each uniquely gracefully complex, yet simply woman, simply human at the same time.
Women are strong. Women are beautiful. Women should be celebrated.
These women athletes have found their own way to navigate these confusing times and inspire countless feminine hearts around them. I am privileged to work with the heroines themselves and find my voice through their stories about beauty.