Bird Cage 2020

A modest family survives at home at the time of the Corona virus pandemic. Dang Yung (38) is a family head who is looking after his pet to take care of his bird named Joni. Then his wife, Ida (36) approached and complained to her husband if the supply of food in their home was thinning and many needs were to be met. At the same time Sanif (30) friend Dang Yung came to accompany the story and helped Dang Yung to sell his. When Sanif goes, Pipit (15) The daughter of Dang Yung dressed in neat wants to go to her friend's house for a presentation in an online class because it does not have a quota package. Dang Yung who was worried about the condition of their pandemic and the family was in economic crisis, forbidding his daughter from going outside. When her daughter escapes, Dang Yung's bird disappears.
