Dalang The Manipulator (影匠)
18 years ago, there was a crime of passion. 3 years ago, there were 14 serial cases of stripping cases. From just a piece of leather, the truth lies within the mysterious art of shadow puppetry.
Putting himself in the shoes of a theatre-goer, a police interpol officer vows to find a self-satisfying conclusion to solve these cases. In the midst of unraveling the layers behind the truth, he realises that the village’s master of shadow puppets has a dubious past, especially since the handsome boys around him suffer from a curse of vengeance.
Does the curse still exist in this world? Perhaps, humanity is the real mastermind. It is the calm before the storm - a prelude to the shadow performance, along with the presence of an interpol officer sitting amongst the audience. Can he find the truth behind the shadow puppet’s mystery?
A murder driven by jealousy, revenge, skinning, curse, leather, and mastermind… all of which have been shrouded in secrecy of a shadow puppet’s play.
18年前,一宗因愛生妒的孽案; 03年前,十四宗連環剝皮詭案; 源於一具皮偶,真相就潛藏在那神秘的國學藝術—皮影。
一名刑警化身為追戲人,疲於奔命, 誓要為這出《畫皮記》尋找一個讓他滿意的結局。 當他陷入其中,把一層又一層的畫皮撥開時, 他發現這位山村匠人的皮影大師殊不簡單, 而大師身邊的美少男更是帶着一身復仇的詛咒。
這世上真有詛咒的存在嗎? 也許人性才是真正的主謀。 一場皮影戲悄悄的序幕,隨着刑警這名觀眾的入戲,平靜的山村再次掀起了風波。 他能解開皮影的真相嗎?