
In a dining area, Mother cheerfully prepares the table. The first dish she makes is Kare-Kare. The entire family sits together, eats, and joyfully enjoys the meal. After eating, the family leaves, leaving Mother to clean up the table.

The next day, Mother prepares the dining table again. The dish this time is Sinigang na Baboy. Once again, the whole family sits together, eats, and happily shares the meal. After eating, the family leaves, leaving Mother to clean up the table.

The following day, Mother prepares the dining table once more. The dish she has prepared this time is dried fish (tuyo). The whole family sits together, puzzled, disappointed, and picky about Mother’s choice of food. They either refuse to eat or do not finish their meal. Disappointed, the family leaves, leaving Mother with a dismayed expression on her face.

In the midst of the dining table, Mother is sad and disappointed. She reluctantly cleans up the dining area. She will budget and show that there is not enough money to prepare lavish meals for her family again. She feels frustrated.

Mother is once again happy when setting the dining table. This time, the dish is Dinuguan (pork blood stew). She looks around, signaling that she is waiting for her family to sit down. However, no one approaches or sits down, so she starts eating alone. While eating, she demonstrates how she cooked the bodies of her own family.
