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Discovering Sustainable Sentosa Ep 1: Play

In an exciting day of ups and downs, SenoSTARS Paul Foster and Munah Bagharib fly 79 metres above sea level on the carbon neutral Sky Helix before tunnelling deep down into Sentosa's District Cooling Plant to explore how Resorts World Sentosa cools its buildings sustainably. They get their hands dirty learning how food waste is reduced at the Food Digestor, then climb onto rooftops for a dazzling lesson on solar energy, all in the name of sustainability. Munah even discovers a "cheat code" to reduce her trash in the Mason jar!

Take part in our social media contest for a chance to win 2D1N stay at Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa, or other attractive prizes. Contest ends on 22 July 2022. Click here to find out more.

This content is made in collaboration with Sentosa.
