In the year 2037, “Jet-jet”, a young boy living in a towering slum district of an overpopulated and polluted Metro Manila, witnesses through his innocent eyes the plight of poor protesters rallying against a corporation called “Vitruvian Labs”, which creates advanced human augmentations for the wealthy people who could afford it. The protesters claim that the corporation is involved with the unethical practice of forced human abductions and illegal human experimentation in order to create their products.
When one of the protesters who infiltrated the company violently attack "Aliguyon" the loyal chief security officer of the company. "Aliguyon" begins to doubt her once proud beliefs that the company is faultless, righteous and only offers aid and service to citizens. She confronts her boss who only scoffs at her for questioning the company's reputation. In a turn of events involving "Jet-jet", tensions between the protesters and the company rises sparking a potentially violent confrontation between the protesters and Aliguyon's military security unit. "Aliguyon" is confronted with the truth and has to make the personal stand of which side she would take in the conflict.