Happy Birthday

Cecilia gazes longingly at a birthday cake in the midst of her classmate’s birthday celebration. She asks her grandmother later when her birthday is. Only to be told that she was born in a rubbish bin and that she has no birthday. Not satisfied, she decides to invent a birthday for herself.

在課堂上同學的生日慶祝會裡,Cecilia 一直對生日蛋糕有著可望與憧憬。當向婆婆問起自己的生日時,婆婆卻說她是從垃圾桶里撿起來,所以並沒有生日。她心有不甘,於是決定為自己創造生日。 

Watch the other film, “Three Little Pigs”, here: https://www.viddsee.com/video/three-little-pigs/bsgqy
