Heirloom Dish - Sio Ba Zhang
“Heirloom Recipes” is a documentary series featuring hereditary food recipes interwoven with heartwarming stories connected to the families sharing them.
The taste of a hereditary dish can be said to be a chronicle of bygone times, carrying with it snapshots of a different generation that rekindles one’s memories.
Do you miss the familiar taste of a family dish? Perhaps a dish by your grandmother that you relished when you were younger? Do you want to try your hand on cooking it but lack the recipe?
“Heirloom Recipes” hopes to impart timeless recipes, held dearly by our elders, to a whole new generation Propagate the dishes to a wider audience to discover and experience Inspire a whole new generation to find new ways to innovate upon the recipes and make them their own I hope that by documenting these recipes and producing this series everyone will get a chance to learn and savour a piece of collective history.