Hooked tells the story of Jaeseung trying to find an answer to his pain and unhappiness. After reminiscing with his wife over dinner, his world suddenly begins to fall apart as he is reminded of an unforgettable tragedy. Now desperate and in denial, he turns to his friend for help who offers him a way out, to forget the sadness. However, it's not the answer that he's seeking and instead he finds himself trapped in a painful cycle.
Jaeseung 一直努力在尋找傷痛的源頭。與妻子的那一頓晚餐,讓他陷入了那場恐怖災難的陰影當中。而透過朋友,他終於找到了讓自己釋放的方法....
Jaesung berusaha mencari jawaban atas semua rasa sakit dan ketidakbahagiaannya. Setelah makan malam bersama istrinya, dunianya segera runtuh saat ia mengingat sebuah tragedi. Dengan bantuan temannya, ia kembali terjebak dalam nostalgia masa lalu yang menyakitkan.