I And Ta (他)
After her friend bails out on her, Judy is left to run their personal tour guide service for Caucasian tourists. When her latest assignment turns out to be an old but rich Chinese national, who is more interested in finding minced meat noodles than touring Singapore, she reluctantly takes it on for the money. Against the headwinds of language differences, cultural barriers, clashes in egos and embarrassing misunderstandings, will they overcome these differences or is it simply a recipe for disaster?
在朋友的背信棄義之下,Judy 只好當上了私人導遊賺取生活費。這一次,她遇上了一個專程到新加坡尋找麵條的中年肥胖中國男人,為了錢,Judy 也只好委屈求全的接下這份苦差。到底背景,文化,以及思想上的差異會讓他們兩人擦出怎麼樣的火花呢?