It's About SitarYo (西塔手)

In the age of twenty one, Yo disregarded his parents’ dissents, he arrived Calcutta to learn sitar. Four years after, he becomes a sitar player, lives and works in Taipei. He enjoys his simple life with coffee, tobacco and music in this busy and complex city. He’s only twenty six years old, yet he tries hard to prove that he can live the life he likes. Just like what his father expected: to be a shining star in the dark night.

旅居台灣年僅二十六歲的日籍印度音樂西塔琴演奏家,金光亮平先生,別人稱他Sitar Yo。運用他年輕熱力與音樂緊密結合散發著魅力的生活,來道出他對人生的態度。西塔琴的表演、教學是他生存的模式;咖啡和香菸是他生活中不可或缺的支柱。他用西塔琴來建築人生的信念,浸泡在音樂中的靈魂是活在當下的。
