Leaving With The Cloud
Yuan’s parents live in an old flat, which is next to the railway. They can always hear the noise of train. And their kitchen leaks water seriously. Yuan and his three brother and sisters chose a house for their parents, and they will share the down-payment. But before they move, the down-payment of Yuan’s older sister has some problems. Then the whole family gets in to trouble.
Orang tua Yuan tinggal di flat yang sudah tua, di sebelah rel kereta. Mereka selalu mendengar suara berisik dari kereta api. Dan dapur mereka bocor. Yuan dan ketiga saudaranya membelikan rumah untuk orang tua mereka, dan mereka akan membayarinya. Namun, sebelum mereka pindah, uang dari kakak tertuanya bermasalah. Dan seluruh keluarganya terlibat masalah serius.