Letters To God S3 Ep 3: The Psychological Astrologer

Jeremy uses psychological astrology to help millennials heal from emotional trauma and reclaim their unique purpose, he shares the story of how he journeys back home to self, and uses astrology to reveal Eugene’s (paranormal investigator) psychology.

A Viddsee Original Production

Director Statement: 

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla

New age spirituality is becoming a trend around the world. Moving away from traditional religion, the foundations of new age spirituality are built upon both eastern and western religious traditions. From self-help books, yoga, the law of attraction to energy work. “New agers,” as they are called, don’t limit their belief system to one particular doctrine. Letters to God 3: The world of energy, follows the story of a modern witch, a paranormal investigator, a psychological astrologer, an amulet seller, and a metaphysician psychic. Open your mind and explore the stories and beliefs of these individuals, as they share their challenges and how they traverse the spiritual world.
