Lives Under The Red Light
The LGBT community in Cambodia faces fierce discrimination. Many of them are involved in drugs and prostitution because they are ostracized from society.
Many have been disowned by their families. "Lives Under the Red Light" shows the reality of their situation. All of the people interviewed are sex workers in Phnom Penh. They face intense discrimination and work in risky situations. They have experienced rape, gang rape and forced drug abuse from tourists and local clients.
他們多被家人所唾棄。"Lives Under the Red Light” 正反映了他們最真實的生活。於金邊(Phnom Penh) 生活工作的他麼大多數為性工作者,暴露在充滿歧視與危險的工作環境當中。他們當中更曾經遭遇當地人或外國遊客的強暴,集體強暴以及強制性服毒。