My Face (Muka'Ku)
"What i've shown you is Reality. What you remember, that is the Illusion"
Nita, has an Extreme Narcissism behaviour disorder that causes her to love herself more than anyone. Her beautiful face and smooth charm always make Nita increasingly fond of her day. Putting on make-up and staring in the three-sided mirror for hours is like masturbation for her. This habit is always done after a shower.
But one night, while she was doing it, someone or 'something' came to her, haunted her and whispered something, making Nita lose interest and begin to doubt herself. Fearing the loss of confidence, Nita panics, and began doing her face quickly and unconsciously till her make-up exceeds reasonable limits. Her face shattered with cosmetics on it. Regret and sadness overcomes because she lost her beauty.
Hatred began to develop in Nita each time she saw her face covered in cosmetics. As the whisper came, Nita dropped and created a hollowing question in her mind. "Am I as pretty as I thought?"