PTSD tells the story of a working individual who tries to fit in with three actor housemates while residing in a 1RK house in Mumbai's Versova village. While Ashutosh drags himself back home from another gruelling night shift, slipping into his routine like clockwork—preparing meals and tidying up their cramped living space. Sagar and Pankaj, his housemates, lounge around without lifting a finger, eager to enjoy the fruits of Ashutosh's labour. Later Dhulia, the fourth roommate and owner of the flat, bursts in from his morning gym session, adding to the chaos. From this point, PTSD unravels the small battles and silent frustrations that brew within the four walls of their tiny house - a place that shelters countless dreamers chasing their big breaks. At its heart, PTSD is about this unlikely group of misfits, struggling to find common ground and learning what it means to live together despite their clashing worlds.
