Tapak Senjang

Kang Safri decided to move from Inner Baduy to Outer Baduy due to looser customary regulations in Outer Baduy, although electricity is still not allowed. After leaving, Kang Safri began to use the technology—even though it was not as advanced as the technology used by people outside the Baduy tribe—including mobile phones, to run his business. Kang Safri sells handicrafts, forest honey, and palm sugar via social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. When Kang Safri is not busy with his business, he usually takes firewood for cooking and goes to the fields to plant rice. Kang Safri regularly goes down to Ciboleger every three days to charge his mobile phone and power-bank batteries, with Rp.1000/device. Kang Safri utilizes the accumulator as a source for lighting in his house. Kang Safri has used his technology positively, even becoming one of his sources of income which makes his economy better.
