The Journey Of Water Within Roses (水與玫瑰的旅程)
This animation follows the same concept from “The path of water”. I also adapted many ideas from my oil paintings such as “The journey of water and the rose petal” and “Dancer in water”. Roses are often regarded as the symbol of love. That’s what I intend to discuss in this piece of work. The animation starts with a floating petal and a road leading somewhere. The camera surfs through this rose like structure. Many water molecules transform into different forms during the journey. In the end, the camera dolly out to an overlook angle revealing that image consists of many similar rose structures. Then the camera dolly in the structure again. The journey is actually an endless cycle along the path. Love is blind. We often lose our sensible mind when we fall in love. It seems like within the rose structure that we can only see some elements or those items. We don’t see the overall picture until we pull ourselves out of the situation. But we often got attracted in this fantastic illusion over and over again. If water has its soul, it knew the cycle will end where it begins. Somehow it still embarks its indefinite journey for the sake of love. It's something magic, isn't it?