The Lost Room
The morning which is usually quiet in Betari's house (35 years) becomes a full morning. This tension comes from the return of Baskoro (40 years old), his brother Betari, who brought victory to Betari. Baskoro's anger at being easily cheated by Betari, which was published by their father, was seriously ill. Baskoro was lucky to have gone home. That morning Baskoro began to question many things demanding the status of old spinster Betari. Tension grew higher Bowo compilation (34 years old, his sister betari) also came more and more Betari. Bapak (65 years old) and mother (60 years old) appear to have no power in mitigating Baskoro's mistakes even though you have already brought the three of them into Omah Njero. Omah Njero is the most personal in the Javanese family to discuss issues that are considered important. It is in omah njero that everyone must release his ego and his negative thoughts to be resolved.