We Once Believed (曾經我們相信著)

In the year of 1997, Hong Kong officially reverted to Chinese sovereignty, ending 156 years of British rule.

That Year, Man-Hay Szeto (司徒文希) and his friends Ao-Chang Li (李傲翔) and Ka-Yee Chow (周嘉儀) were an ordinary high school students. Man-Hay and Ka-Yee are friends from childhood and together being a hawkers in a local Estate in Tuen Mun. Man-Hay is a fish ball seller. Ka-Yee sells sweet soups. Same with Ao-Chang, Man-hay is also crush into a new school girl Mi-ki Tam (談美琪). But Man-hay is not brave enough to tell Mi-ki about what he feels about her. Soon, Ao-Chang proclaimed his love to Mi-ki and being together.

One night, when Man-Hay and Ka-Yee are selling their food, two gangs come for extortion. Man-Hay refuses to pay. One of the gang member push Ka-Yee to the ground, Ka-Yee develop feelings to Man-Hay and hugs him.

The day after that night, Ao-Chang suddenly leaves Mi-ki with no way to contact him. What is the reason for the leaving? What is the relationship between the leave and the extortion?
